Thursday, March 14, 2013

Some nights you just have to laugh.

Last night everything was going fairly well it is always hard getting both kids to bed by myself and despite some tears from William it wasn't terrible.  The kids were in bed on the early side and even Evelyn was being quiet.  I got to sit in bed and read for a little bit waiting to flip the laundry into the dryer.  At ten I went down and put the wash into the dryer.  Evelyn heard me and popped out of bed.  I had just gotten her settled and was lying down to go to sleep myself when William starts screaming.  I run into his room and he is inconsolable.  he has gas and is not fully awake so I struggle to hold him down and change his diaper.  Once he gets up again he gets out of my lap crying "I want Mommy!" and I pull him close and say "I'm right here sweety".  In comes Evelyn wanting to know what was wrong with her brother.  I tell her his tummy hurts and that i need her to go back to bed so I can calm him down and make him feel better.  Her response "My tummy hurts too"  after 5 minutes of talking, cajoling and begging her to go back to bed (all the while trying to calm William) I get her to go back to her room.  I brought William into my room and sat on my bed when he said "no my bed".  Back into his room we go and I up him in the crib.  He instantly calms down and goes back to sleep.

I go to Evelyn's room to check on her as I promised.  When I got next to her bed she said she was feeling better but that she wanted to sleep with me so that I didn't get lonely (How considerate she is...).  I told her that I need a few minutes by myself and that she really should sleep in her bed.  Evelyn said okay and I went back to bed.  15 minutes later as I am drifting off I hear "mommy are you ready for me yet?"

As she comes bounding into the room.  I give up and tell her to hop in but that she needs to be quiet.  she gets in bed and starts talking  So I remind her she needs to be quiet in bed.  She decides that she wants to be back in her bed so I walk her over and tuck her in again.  Oh what a night.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Dyson DC 25 is the best site EVER. Really you need to book mark it and anytime you shop check it out first this weekend we got a Dyson DC25 for $301 and recieved $50 Kohls cash. which I am going to spend tonight so that I can still use my 30% off coupon (expires 11/17/2011). The link to the deal is here...

In order to get this deal you need to price match sears sale price then use a 30% off coupon. This vacuum is great! It is quite and did not reduce my daughter to tears - she was terrified of our last vacuum. William was not fazed at all either.

After not vacuuming for a while (our last vacuum had broken) there was a ton of dirt and stuff picked up by the vacuum. So it did a great job as well as not terrifying the kids. It was easy to push and maneuver. I am actually excited about this vacuum.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Planet Fitness

I finally made it into the gym. I joined planet fitness though I can't say that it will ever be my favorite gym.
1) I almost walked out right away due to the smell. I don't remember any other gym smelling like sweat quite like this one - I think that they need to work on their ventilation. It wasn't bad enough to scare me off so I signed up.
2) there was no tour of the gym - not that there is much of it. but sometimes here is the locker room is helpful.
3)The person that signed me up said it was a "beginners" gym - what a joke. they don't have anyone to show people how the machines work. As I was working out I ended up helping someone with the machine next to mine.
4) I think I saw 2-3 other people wipe down their weight machines - GROSS!
5) They have a button to push that looks like it lites up something if people grunt to loudly or drop weights - really? Okay I get that it is annoying but instead of warning the person and then quietly removing the offender you need to make a ruckus and disturb everyone?!
6) They don't have my favorite machine.

I'm sure I will be adding to this list. Oh well you get what you pay for...

On a separate note - Thanks dad for a great lunch!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

What a yucky day.

It was cold and miserable today. Though it may have finally stopped snowing. I enjoyed my time with Evelyn today but wasted nap time reading a book. Because of that I didn't get much done today. Jason and I are both exhausted - J from coughing all night in the den and me from getting up with Evelyn at 3:30 and having a hard time getting back to sleep. It made for a long day. I still have a little bit of cleaning to do then I'm going to shower and hide in bed. Tomorrow I will use my lunch hour to purchase a baby gate as J said he was going to but has not yet done so. I've had enough and I know Evelyn will pitch a fit when she finds it up but I need the security of having it especially if J is going to travel again though he does not have any trips coming that I am aware of.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Day 1 with the In-Laws

Jason set the alarm yesterday so that it went off at 6:15, I asked him to turn it off but it took him three snoozes before I told him it was Saturday and to turn the thing off. Unfortunately I was already awake so I got up around 7 and was cleaning the vanity out by 7:30. After I got everything out Jason opened one of the doors and to be helpful I asked what he was looking for (to find it for him) but he was looking for nothing (i.e. that it was empty). He went to tear it out and found that whomever put in the sink did not believe in shut off valves; I went two hours with out water in the house until he got them installed. I had to wash my vegetables at the neighbors house so that I could get as much of the dinner done as possible. The dinner is the in-laws my parents and close family friends (parents neighbors). All get along very well but these are all people I like to impress.So after shutting off the water he got the vanity out with a little help from me and Paul (it was too heavy for me) he installed shut off valves onto the sink pipes and finished prepping the bathroom for his dad to come and fix the electric (have I mentioned that we only have one electrical outlet in the bathroom and it is next to the toilet?). The got it wired and he is finishing the job of getting it ready I’m sure when he’s done we will have a plethora of plugs. My in laws get here and they have a futon with a maple frame that I really liked and was excited to move into our spare bedroom (we had a twin in there which was not great for guests) it takes up less space and is a queen. It also matches the crib that our neighbors are saving for us! We moved that in within 30 minutes but now we have the extra twin that J does not want to get rid of. It might be nice to have but unless he cleans out the den we have no place for it oh and I have an extra long twin at my parents house that I can take whenever I need it. His mom wants to sell it now (would not drop it as she is as stubborn as J is) where I’m willing to wait a few days until he gets sick of tripping over it when he will be happy to get rid of it, we shall see what happens. Dinner went well though the roast was done oh 2 ½ hours before they were scheduled to arrive I was pretty scared that it would be dry when I pulled it out, especially after the look that J gave me. But they all said it was fine (and they would tell me the truth). The best part of the evening was when discussing my issues with roasting on the grill and J told them that I put the chicken on the rotisserie the wrong way. They all laughed at me (okay it was deserved but maybe he could have told me that when he figured it out rather than just there so I could laugh with them instead of wanting to go upstairs and cry. I honestly don’t know how a vegetarian is supposed to pick up this info as nothing I read told me this. Oh well it was a fun night and I’m looking forward to progress tomorrow.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Birthday Part 1

Me and my twin are officially 28 and what a day. J woke up at three am and wished me a happy birthday while I was soundly asleep, or so he says - but he’s nuts so I believe him (if you don't read first post).He tried to make me late for work but even after stopping at the grocery store around the corner for a cookie cake and white cheddar popcorn I was only 5 minutes late traffic was great all the way in. When I arrived at work it was the usual day with data entry (yippee) with the acception that I got to eat cookie cake, the chocolate cake (someone else brought in) and the popcorn. I ate junk all day I think I even shocked my boss because I usually don’t eat that stuff but hey it’s my birthday and I can eat ¼ of a cookie cake if I want ;) of course I didn’t have the foresight to bring or purchase a lunch so I ate more junk. In the afternoon my boss got me alone because she was worried that I had spent money to bring in food for every one, it’s a temp job and she was worried that I may need the cash later. Well after repeated assurances that I could always get cash off my husband if I needed it she said it was a birthday present and I couldn’t find a valid argument against that. So I didn’t even have to purchase the junk food that I was craving in the morning. So I leave work 30 minutes early (she would have let me go earlier but I didn’t ask) and when I get home J has flowers on the coffee table and my pillow! Very pretty rodies from our garden, zinnias and well I don’t know what the other one is but I like them. He next gets changed so that we can go to dinner at one of my favorite restraints (Portobello) which I have been looking forward to all week.After dinner it’s back to mom and dad’s for ice cream cake! (Yes more junk!!!) so after the obligatory picture with the birthday cake we are getting ready to cut the cake when my cell phone goes off and I rush to answer it. Excited I note that it was my best friend from high school I say hi and go around the corner to say it’s Anne, when mom says “see I said it was her” (thinking it was my twin) and her dad and J start enthusiastically singing Happy Birthday as only my family can. For the next few minutes I am rolling on the floor laughing and practically crying which doesn’t faze them at all. After I collect myself I learn that Anne is in town for her brothers graduation and has managed to escape her family for a few hours, she was on her way. So at the time that she was supposed to show my sister shows up 5 hours earlier than she was supposed to so I got to see her as well.My birthday card… 1978 is Great!You may be wondering why 1978 is such a great year (I was) but don’t worry the card told me what wonderful historical moments occurred in the year of my birth some of my favorite includedCult leader Jim Jones lead 909 people to mass suicide.Families left Love Canal after dangerous chemicals leaked from an abandoned dump.Punk rocker Sid Vicious killed girlfriend Nancy SpungeonYup it was also great because I was born – I think my mom was trying to hint something…All these memories are not complete with out some memories of my father who brought up such wonders as the vending machines at airports that sold life insurance policies for just a few quarters you could be assured of life insurance in case of a crash. No wonder so many people are afraid to fly.. and of course thoes beds that used to vibrate at hotels "they were great rides!" to bad they were all broken. What a night.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

The House

Yippee my in-laws are coming and the house is a mess. Though I doubt it will stay clean while they are here it would be nice to have it clean in the beginning. J is planning on getting a lot of work done on the house while his dad is here. My new bathroom vanity may be in place this time next week! Yippee! I’ve also been dying for him to finish putting up the molding around the windows in the rooms that he has finished (well almost). One of these days we are going to have him fly out alone so they can spend a week just fixing the house I doubt that there would be much left to do after that. Another time… Goal in finishing the house is August keep your fingers crossed.